Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Design Competition for a Library of the Future

As a part of the Green Square project, to transform a 278 hectares area south of Sydney, the city has announced a design competition for a $25 million library of the future. The Library will need to engage the public in new ways as it moves away from traditional books and towards technology.

"City of Sydney projects are world renowned for design excellence, innovation and environmental sustainability. We hope architects from around Sydney, Australia and the world will be inspired to work with the City of Sydney and the local community on our new Green Square project."

You can find more information here:

Reference and Photo Credit: Prince, Madeline, Competition open to design a $25 million library in Green Square, Sydney, Architecture and Design, July 10, 2012
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  1. With these useful tips we too can become a business development developers and be successful in our field Design Competition.thank you please post more information and ideas about this article.

  2. You can find more information about the competition at the following link:
